
Christ Church Ainsworth

CE Primary School and Nursery

Together we... Collaborate, Challenge, Achieve




At the Last Supper, as Jesus prepared to return to his Father,

he instructed his disciples in a new commandment, to love one another.


At Christ Church Ainsworth we try and follow Jesus example by showing love for our friends, our school, our community and the wider world. When God's love shines through us, it shows the world that we belong to him - we show that we are Christians through our love.

Christ Church Ainsworth Church of England Primary School is situated in a pleasant semi-rural area on the west side of Bury, in Ainsworth village. We are a Church of England (controlled) School catering for children from the age of three to their transfer to High School at the age of eleven years. Children must be aged three on or before 31st. August in the year in which they intend to start school in our Nursery.


The school, on its present site, opened fully in 1982 and is of single storey design although our heritage goes back to 1838 when the first school was built. The school occupies a very attractive site, is well maintained and has extensive grounds including sports fields and a wooded area where we have recently introduced (September 2021) a Forest School experience.


We aim to serve our community by providing high quality education within the context of Christian belief and practice. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experiences we offer all our pupils.


Our values are at the core of all we do enabling us to support and develop each other within a Christian environment. The school encourages values which it promotes through the actions and behaviours of children, staff, parents and governors; through love, trust, kindness, respect, friendship, responsibility, perseverance, teamwork, honesty, resilience and tolerance.

The school underwent a very recent OFSTED Inspection in January 2022. The school was praised highly and was officially recognised as an effective school - in OFSTED terms we are a 'good school'. We were very proud of the Inspection as it reflects the hard work, dedication and commitment of ALL the staff at this school.

Ofsted said:

'Leaders and staff ensure that pupils benefit from a high-quality education that prepares them well for their future lives. Staff have worked together to develop and deliver an ambitious, well-structured curriculum that helps pupils to achieve highly in a wide range of subjects.'  (Jan 2022)


In March 2017 the school underwent its most recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools (Diocesan Inspection) in which the school was judged as an 'outstanding' church school.

The Report said:

'The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners - Christ Church is a vibrant and happy place to grow, learn and achieve. Everyone is engaged in its mission to be a Christian school in which all ‘Collaborate, Challenge and Achieve’. The joyous atmosphere and love of learning are infectious and reflect the core Christian values.' (March 2017)



Our school is attractive and visually stimulating! Here are some of our displays around school.