The Role of the Governing Body
Governing bodies oversee the work of the school and make sure it provides a good quality education for its pupils.
Working in partnership with the head and other staff, governors are involved in:
setting the school's aims and policies;
improving standards of teaching and achievement;
setting the school's budget plan and monitoring expenditure;
interviewing and appointing teachers and support staff;
acting as a link between the church, the local community and the school;
dealing with complaints about the school;
drawing up an action plan after an inspection, and monitoring the success of the plan.
There are 12 governors at our school - a term of office for our governors is 4 years.
We have recently appointed one of our Governors, Laura Armstrong, as 'Governor for Well Being' - both adult and children. This reflects the school's commitment to the social, emotional and mental health of our whole school community.
Governors’ Information:
Title | Name | Role / Area of Responsibilty | Term of Office From To | Designation/Elected By | |
Mrs | Catherine Hamilton | Chair of Governors Safeguarding & CYPiC | 13-09-2020 | 12-09-2024 | Foundation - Diocesan Representative |
Rev | Vacancy | Ex officio |
| Foundation - Priest in Charge | |
Mrs | Gwen White | Attendance | 17-10-2023 | 16-10-2027 | Foundation - PCC Representative |
Miss | Ruth Canavan |
| 19-10-2023 | 18-10-2027 | Co-opted |
Mr | Philip Holden | Health & Safety | 19-10-2023 | 18-10-2027 | Co-opted |
Mrs | Jayne Deakin | Vice Chair | 19-10-2023 | 18-10-2027 | Co-opted |
Mr | David Seddon |
| 08-02-2024 | 07-02-2025 | Co-opted |
Mrs | Laura Armstrong | Well Being | 09-10-2020 | 08-10-2024 | Parent |
Mrs | Helen Howcroft-Swift |
| 09-10-2020 | 08-10-2024 | Parent |
Cllr | Joanne Lancaster |
| 16-05-2024 | 15-05-2028 | Local Authority |
Mr | David Gerrard |
| Ex officio |
| Head Teacher |
Mrs | Julia Hall | 28-03-2024 | 27-03-2028 | Parent | |
Miss | Hayley Duckworth | 19-10-2023 | 18-10-2027 | Staff | |
Mrs | Jane Hicks |
| 19-10-2023 | 18-10-2024 | Associate Governor |
Recent Governors Rev D Thomson Mr Simon Collier Cllr Sharon Briggs Mr M Varnom Mrs J McGadie |
Title | Name | Associate/ Full Membership
Voting Rights (Yes/No) | Any Declared Personal Pecuniary Interest in School | Any Family, Partner and/or Spouse Pecuniary Interest in School | Formal Connections to Other Schools | Attendance Oct 2022/Oct2023 Full Governors (4)
Mrs | Gwen White | Full / Yes | None | None | None | 3/4 75% |
Cllr | Joanne Lancaster | Full / Yes | None | None | None | N/A Appointed Spring 2024 |
Mr | Philip Holden | Full / Yes | None | None | None | 4/4 100% |
Mr | David Seddon | Full / Yes | None | None | Employed at Little Lever High | 4/4 100% |
Mrs | Jayne Deakin | Full / Yes | None | None | Employed at Bury College | 4/4 100% |
Mrs | Catherine Hamilton | Full / Yes | None | None | None | 4/4 100% |
Mrs | Laura Armstrong | Full / Yes | None | None | None | 3/4 75% |
Mrs | Helen Howcroft-Swift | Full / Yes | None | None | None | 1/4 25% |
Mr | David Gerrard | Full / Yes | Employee - none | None | None | 4/4 100% |
Miss | Ruth Canavan | Full / Yes | Employee - none | None | None | 3/4 75% |
Mrs | Hayley Duckworth | Full / Yes | Employee - none | None | None | N/A Appointed Autumn 2023 |
Mrs | Jane Hicks | Assoc. / No | Employee - none | None | None | N/A Appointed Autumn 2023 |
Mrs | Julia Hall | Full / Yes | None | None | Employed at Canon Slade High School | N/A Appointed Spring 2024 |
Specific Governors:
We have governors who take responsibility for specific areas:
Mrs Catherine Hamilton- Safeguarding and Children in Care (CYPIC)
Mr Phil Holden - Health and Safety
Mrs Laura Armstrong - Well Being
Mrs Gwen White - Attendance
Governors’ Committees:
There are two main sub committees working under the delegation of the Full Governing Body:
School Improvement:
A committee operating under the delegation of the Full Governing Body, considering the school’s standards, performance and development of:
teaching and learning, the curriculum and assessment policy and outcomes.
This committee reports back to the Full Governing Body.
Resources and Safeguarding:
A committee operating under the delegation of the Full Governing Body considering premises, school finance, health and safety, personnel and safeguarding.
This committee reports back to the Full Governing Body.
Other committees are listed below:
Complaints Committee – terms of reference as per LA agreed policy – see policies section
Pupil Discipline Committee - The Governing Body can delegate some or all of its functions in respect of exclusions to a committee consisting of at least three governors.
Pupil Discipline Appeal Committee - To consider any appeals against decisions by the Head Teacher/Pupil Discipline Committee.
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Committee – To consider disciplinary matters and dismissals where these functions have not been delegated to the Head Teacher under the Staffing Regulations 2009 or, in the case of discipline, where the Head Teacher has had detailed prior involvement.
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Appeal Committee – To consider any appeals against decisions by the Head Teacher/Staff Disciplinary/Dismissal Committee.
Tenders Committee – to consider tenders for school development projects.
Distribution Chart (Who's on What?):
Key: CH = Governor who chairs the committee
SUB = any substitute members required due to absence to be contacted alphabetically
| Resources & Safeguarding | School Improvement | Pupil Discipline
(SUB) | Pupil Discipline Appeal
(SUB) | Complaints
(SUB) | Staff Discipline Dismissal
(SUB) | Staff Discipline Dismissal Appeal
(SUB) | Tenders |
Cllr Joanne Lancaster | ü |
| ü |
| ü |
Mrs Gwen White |
| ü | ü |
| ü |
Miss Hayley Duckworth |
| ü | ü |
| ü |
Mr Philip Holden | ü |
| ü (CH) | ü | ü (CH) |
| ü |
Mr David Seddon |
| ü |
| ü |
Mrs Jayne Deakin |
| ü |
| ü |
Mrs Catherine Hamilton | ü | ü |
| ü |
Mrs Laura Armstrong | ü |
| ü |
| ü |
Mrs Helen Howcroft - Swift | ü |
| ü |
| ü |
Mr David Gerrard | ü | ü |
| ü |
Miss Ruth Canavan | ü | ü | ü | |||||
Mrs Julia Hall | ü | ü | ü |