
Christ Church Ainsworth

CE Primary School and Nursery

Together we... Collaborate, Challenge, Achieve

Easter fun!

Happy Easter!

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An adorable rendition of 'Chick, Chick, Chick , Chick, Chicken', by the Nursery children.
Well done boys and girls, it's impossible to watch this without a huge grin on our faces!

After learning how to melt chocolate, (see the chocolate experiment) the Nursery children made their own Easter nest. Yummy! They took turns, showed great stirring skills, counted out eggs and talked to one another about their nest. Great work!

We have been learning all about Jesus and thinking about Him while we pray. The Nursery have been practising to join their hands and close their eyes whilst saying our prayers. Take a look at how hard they have been trying. What little stars!

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