Welcome to Red Class
Chester Zoo Years 1 & 2
A fantastic trip to Chester Zoo was had by Year 1 & 2 children and staff.
Please click on the slideshow to see our coach journey.
Here are just a few photographs of the animals we saw.
Teddy Bears' Picnic: 4th July 2013
Green and Red Class held their Teddy Bears Picnic on 4th July 2013. The children invited family members to the picnic with their teddy bears to enjoy an afternoon of tasty treats and drinks, all prepared by the children.
Please click on the slideshows to view our children preparing for the day and the day itself!
A great success!
Red Class have been immersed in Fairytale Stories. We have listened, read and acted out all the different stories. Then we chose our favourite Fairytale and chose ourselves which group we wanted to be in. We were given a cardboard box to make a puppet theatre and in our groups we planned, designed and brought in items to make the box look like our Fairytale story. After that we made our puppets depending on the characters we were playing. In our our groups we planned and wrote out a short play script. We practiced these and added a musical instrument.
We then performed our puppet shows in front of different classes. We worked really hard and had lots of fun making and performing the puppet shows. The other classes loved watching them . We hope you do too! |
We did lots of poetry around the theme of Animals and here is one of our performance poems, 'African Animal Poem'.
We loved performing so much that we learnt a rap in our groups ‘The Bone Yard Rap’. Only watch if you DARE!!!. |
We found this wonderful video of the children singing songs all about our Light and Dark Topic. Enjoy the late entry!
Children’s Homework shows the fantastic creativity of our Year 2 children in Red and Green.
Please click on the show to view.
Light and Dark Learning Activities
We did different investigations finding out about things that reflect, which torch is the brightest? And how we need light to see because our den is too dark to see without a torch. |
We went in our ‘Dark Den’ to see how we can make different colours with the torch and some coloured sheets.
Please click on the show to view.
Take a look at Red Class showing their fantastic homework. Also please take a look at the power points that 2 of our children created at home on the topic Light and Dark.
Transparent, Translucent & Opaque
We looked at different materials to see how they hide the light. We found out what transparent, translucent & opaque meant by looking through all different materials.
Red Class enjoyed this topic immensely. Well Done Red Class!
Miss Duckworth
3D Shapes
In Red Class we made our own 3D Shapes using play dough, art straws and scissors. We know different 3D Shapes and their features.
Please take a look at the Power Point that we used in class. Please click on the slideshow to view Red Class making their own 3D Shapes We had lots of fun! Miss Wharmby |
Red Class have worked extremely hard learning off by heart the story ‘Willy The Wizard’
Please click on the slideshow to watch Red Class performing the story for you!
Red Class celebrated Chinese New Year by making Red Lucky Envelopes and Mrs Evans kindly provided the chocolate coins to go on them..
Please click on the show to see Red Class making the envelopes.
Following Instructions
Red Class have been learning all about instructions. They even know all the ‘posh’ words for the names of bossy words and the layout.
Red Class made sandwiches, a cordial drink, a pirate hat and then Red Class learnt to follow their partner’s instructions by listening carefully during the blindfolded obstacle course and back to back drawing activity. Well Done Red Class
Miss Duckworth.
Red Class have learnt about adjectives and described their own aliens. The children asked Miss Duckworth if they could make and describe their own spaceships.
Miss Duckworth was very impressed that Red Class were extending their own learning.
Please click on the slideshow to see their fantastic work!
Once the snow arrived, Red Class enjoyed working with Mrs Evans on a science investigation. They built four snowmen, two with clothes and two without. They had to decide which would melt first.
Do You Know?
Please click on the slideshow to view
Mrs Evans
Red Class wrote their own instructions on how to build a snowman and tested this (before the snow arrived!) with play dough.
Take a look at the wonderful variety of shapes and sizes (and the odd snow-dog too!).
On 15th January the whole school held a WW2 Day.
Red Class children came dressed as evacuees. Red Class learned about what it must of been like to be an evacuee first, then Miss Duckworth explained all about Rationing . The children all received a Ration Book. They had to stand in a queue to be able to purchase the items they needed.
Please take a look at Red Class on the day!
We will be learning all about cold places in the world and about the animals that live there.
Please take a look Red Class performing 'Lost and Found', a story about a boy and a penguin.
Red class walked up to our local post office to buy stamps and post our homemade Christmas Cards in the post box.
Please click on the slideshow to view us.
‘Community Christmas Spirit’
All classes took part in our ‘Community Christmas Spirit’. This was an opportunity for us to give something back to our community by inviting them into school to celebrate Christmas.
Each year group performed a Christmas song whilst our guests enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies. Please have a look at Year 1 & 2 singing at the event.
A big Thank You to everyone who came and we hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did. Mr Gerrard & The Team. |
Can You Believe This?
Red class had a magical experience before Christmas and Miss Doughty was lucky enough to be able to capture it on film for you all to see!
Please take a look at the slideshow!
Please click on the slideshow to view Red Class meeting Father Christmas!
Last week Miss Duckworth and Mrs Doughty were very busy and didn’t have the time to show the children how to use Word Art on the laptop. We needed describing words in Word Art for the class display.
What could we do?
Luckily Mr Sheikh stepped into the role of the teacher and took over for us.
Well Done Mr Sheikh!
Please click on the slideshow to watch Mr Sheikh in action!
A teacher in the making we think!
Red Class meet Red Watch from Bury Fire Station!
Red Class topic is Fire & Safety this term. Red Class were lucky enough to be visited by Fire Officers Pete Fletcher, Martin Scholes, James Hartley & Mark Robertson from Red Watch Bury Fire Station.
Red Class held a question and answer session with the Fire Officers. Miss Duckworth was chosen to dress as a Fire Officer and Finlay was treated to a fireman’s lift by Fire Officer Martin Scholes.
Off we went outside to look at the fire engine that was parked in the school grounds. We saw and heard the siren and flashing lights they use. We saw all the tools they have in the fire engine and we got to squirt water from the hose and walk through the cab.
The Fire Officers commented on how well behaved Red Class were. Well Done Red Class and a big ‘Thank You’ to the Fire Officers for taking the time to come and visit us.
Red Class loved their visit as you can see in the slideshows!
Please download the leaflet below if you or someone you know has not got a ‘smoke alarm’ and for a free home check.
Please take a look at our children supporting Children In Need.
Pirate Topic 2012
The topic for Red Class last half term was Pirates. Please take a look at all the learning and fun we had from singing sea shanties to drinking rum (non-alcoholic of course). We had a fantastic Pirate Party to end the topic.
We would like to say a massive 'Thank You' to Thom's Mummy, Sophie's Mummy and Charlie's Mummy for giving up their time to come in and help turn Red Class into fantastic pirates. Also a big 'Thank You' to Christine for making yummy biscuits for our Pirate Party. Click below to download the story of Red Class Pirates (PowerPoint presentation)
Miss Duckworth
Please click on the slide show to see Red Class settling in
We have had lots of fun naming the parts of our bodies , using our senses etc. Please click on the slide show to view Red Class tasting different fruits (with their eyes closed).
The funny faces being pulled are when the lemon is tasted!!